Today’s rehearsal, started with the movement of the puppet's legs in action, just the legs, whilst Molly and Will puppeteer. They followed a line along the floor of numbers and words starting from 1 through to 6, as the numbers got higher the puppets walk had to decline, from a steady walk through to a shuffle, as a stick and another stick was added to help aid the movement.
After that we moved onto the diagnoses section, and worked on the ensemble moving around the puppet with flying paper, this is to add to the confusion and to re-create the thoughts flying through the puppets mind, as he is told of his condition.
After lunch we were back to scrutinising the idea of the puppets imagination, what stimulates it? What launches the puppet into a new world that he has never experienced? The stimulant for the scratch performance we are moving towards is his glasses...
As the puppet struggles to pick up his glasses after dropping them, they become alive and the puppet is suddenly thrown into his imagination.
As we approached the end, we documented our progress with video footage, so that we can remember the detailed movement for next week. The following week, will be working on finishing the puppet, the fish and props.